Medical school loans have quickly become the most complex financial issue facing young physicians. The average physician in training owes well over six figures. And these aren’t your normal run of the mill loans. Student loans today come…
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How Much Should Physicians Spend on Their Home To Avoid Becoming House Poor?
13 Mistakes Young Physicians Make With Student Loans
3 Ways Doctors Can Increase Their Savings Rate Without Cutting Expenses
Building wealth is simple: make more than you spend and invest the difference.
There are two ways to increase your savings rate: spend less or make more. There are also two ways to earn more income: work more hours or earn more per hour.
10 Ways We Have Saved Our Clients Money
“I can’t afford to pay for one.”
“My net worth isn’t high enough.”
“I don’t have any extra money to save.”
“I’ll do it next year.”
7 Financial Planning Tips for Resident Physicians Transitioning Into Practice
Today we’re covering 7 financial planning tips for resident physicians transitioning into practice. By utilizing these tips early in your career, you’ll be setting yourself up for long term success. 1) Plan Your Financial Journey…
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Why Doctors Aren’t Allowed To Sell Prescriptions
Everybody knows the doctor’s role. They provide medical advice and services to patients. Patients pay doctors either directly or through insurance based upon the services provided. The drug rep plays a different role. They sell…
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Financial Advice For Physicians Making Big Decisions: Start With “No”
But it’s SO easy to say YES! Yes, I’ll buy the new, big house. Sure, I’ll pay for my kid’s extra activities. Okay, I’ll also buy the new car. Fine, I’ll invest in your startup….
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The Resident Physician’s Guide To Selecting a Student Loan Repayment Plan (with REPAYE update)
For starters, it’s complicated! Check out our Physician’s complete guide to medical school loans for more details. For now, we’re just going to focus on the new repayment plan, RePAYE. Late in 2015, RePAYE was introduced for…
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The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Ticking Time Bomb For Physicians
If you knew you were holding a ticking time bomb, you’d do everything in your power to get rid of it… right? Well, this student loan time bomb is like none other and most people…
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