Case studies
The Schmitts: Two young physicians
just starting out
Meet the Schmitt Family
The Schmitts are a young couple who were in the middle of a number of life changes when they reached out to us.
The financial priorities they shared with us included:
- Starting a family and buying a home
- Tackling their student and personal loans
- Understanding the financial implications of partnership in a practice
- Getting the appropriate amount of life and disability insurance coverage
How we’ve helped:
- We created a flexible financial plan that incorporated their values and priorities - for example, ensuring the plan took into account that Christa may not work full time once they started a family and prioritizing paying back a family loan.
- We reviewed the terms of Michael’s partnership offer and the short and long term implications they could have on their personal finances.
- We helped them – through connecting them with an independent insurance broker – compare, and ultimately choose disability and life insurance policies.
Michael told us that our ability to share the knowledge and expertise we’ve gained while working with physicians and their families over the last 10 years, has been extremely helpful.
“These [practice ownership opportunities] are really foreign things that I think can be financial pluses for us, but also scary because we don’t know anything about them… I brought it up to [Jeff and Heather] and they were like we have had a bunch of clients that do that, we’ll look at the numbers with you, and you can make a safe decision with us, so that’s been really nice” - Michael Schmitt
No client appearing in any video on the website received any cash or non-cash compensation for their appearance and obtained no other benefit from WFP for doing so. It should not be assumed that every client has had the same experience with WFP